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Frontier Airlines: A Year Without Phones — Could AI Have Saved the Day?

In fall 2022, Frontier Airlines cut phone customer support entirely. What could possibly go wrong?

Download our e-book to discover what happened when Frontier Airlines made the bold decision to eliminate all voice customer service, and how a move to AI in the voice channel could have been the answer to accelerate their customer experience instead.

Download the eBook


In this ebook, you'll discover:

  • The details of Frontier Airlines' decision to axe the voice customer service channel
  • The unintended consequences of their decision, from NPS scores to customer experience and more
  • How conversational AI could have been used instead to preserve cost-effectiveness while simultaneously enhancing customer experience
  • How to get started leveraging conversational AI in your contact center to increase efficiency, improve customer happiness, and better utilize contact center team members

Looking for more? Learn more about AI in the contact center:


ChatGPT + Conversational AI: The Perfect Match for Customer Happiness

Uncover the secrets of integrating these two technologies to streamline customer channels and deliver satisfaction at every touchpoint.


Human-Centered Design Is the Heart of Intelligent Virtual Agents

At the heart of intelligent virtual agents is a focus on the customers using your customer service to enrich their lives. Learn how the human is center of quality conversational AI. 


The State of Customer Self-Service Today

Customer service has evolved tremendously. Learn the current state of customer self-service to better serve your customers in today's fast-paced world. 

Trusted by Leading Brands

Choice Hotels

The SmartAction Difference

There's a reason why more than 100 customer-obsessed brands rely on SmartAction. Our team of conversational AI experts take care of the design, implementation, and maintenance of virtual agents for seamless self-service.

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